Expanding the Scope of Measurement

The CETAC brand of products specializes in automated sample handling systems​ and sample preparation devices for increasing productivity and enhancing qualitative and quantitative analytical determination in the laboratory​. We also produce nebulizers​ for the enhancement of sensitivity and liquid sample introduction systems for the introduction of small volume samples.

rhomboid collage

​​A worldwide leader in sample introduction and sample handling equipment for elemental analysis. The CETAC brand offers a comprehensive range of product-based solutions for the analysis of elements in samples ranging from drinking water and​​ high purity acids to radioactive waste.

​Our spectroscopy and automation groups develop, manufacture and market a family of products and services for customers a​round the world, for use in every industry where rapid and accurate determination of trace element concentrations is required. ​

CETAC products and services are used in every industry where rapid and accurate determination of elemental trace levels are required. Major industrial segments benefiting from our product-based solutions include semiconductor manufacturing, environmental analysis, and petrochemical manufacturing.

Our advanced products and services include:

  • ​​Automated Sample Handling Systems
  • Nebulizers and Liquid Sample Introduction Systems​
  • ​Sample Preparation Devices and Supplies​

CETAC also supplies equipment for OEM manufacturers through Teledyne OEM Solutions.

14306 Industrial Rd.​
Omaha, Nebraska 68144 USA
Tel: +1 800-369-2822
Tel: +1 402-733-2829
Fax: +1 402-733-6702​
Email: [email protected]
Service: [email protected]​​​